About Us
Hello friend!
I've created this little handmade hub called The Eco Artisan to house my creative goods.
So it goes like this...I make lipsticks which live under Eco Pout Australia AND I also make vegan, cruelty free soaps which live under Eco Three Leaf.
Take a little look around and if you have any questions (or any unfathomable and totally inappropriate meme's) get in touch.
Meet the maker
Hi there, I'm Tamar (pronounced Tay-mar) but most people call me 'T' or 'Tay' or just 'hey you' (probably b/c they can't pronounce Tamar properly ;) I am the owner and operator behind Eco Pout and Eco Three Leaf. They just live under the umbrella name of The Eco Artisan.
I prefer not to use animal ingredients in my products as I personally don’t feel comfortable using anything that has cost another living being it’s health, happiness or life.
There are many plant based alternatives now that we really don’t need to use products sourced from animals or tested on them. So all products made by me on this website get tested on me and me only.
How it started
In 2017 I accidentally snapped the top off one of my commercially bought lipsticks. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty p*ssed (as any woman would understand) and I had a sudden urge to start making my own and vowed never to buy another one again.
My intention was simple - to create quality lipsticks (and now lip-gloss) by me for me, so I could control the ingredients and be at peace knowing they weren't being tested on any other living being but me and totally avoiding the unnecessary use of animal products.
The soaps are just a nice little addition to the website and I love making them. I researched and spent a lot of time sourcing palm oil free, vegan and cruelty free melt and pour base to align with my brand.
I hope you will join me on this journey to a more conscious holistic approach towards our way of living and for the future ahead.